Thursday, March 11, 2004

Dear God,

I really want our circumstances to change. I've been learning so much about how I behave, along with becoming more disciplined in our finances.

I have felt that my life is like a whirlwind, out of control. But I know that you have the power to help me keep it under control.

I've not been devoted to you. I've actually tried to ignore you throughout the day. I don't like my circumstances, and I really am mad that things are going the way that they are.

I'm afraid to be open with other people. I don't even want to go to these men's meetings because I'll just here more of how I'm blowing it.

I've not been reading your word to get spiritual nourishment. I haven't even been trying lately, God.

I know that life with out you is meaningless, God. Please help my heart to change. Please help me to fall back in love with you.

Your son,