Sunday, September 24, 2006

We are in Trouble

Dear God,

We are in trouble. Not more than you can handle, and I guess not more than we can handle, too, either.

With the loss of my job and income, our personal finances have become extremely tight. And I remembered just a few minutes ago about major debt that we have to pay within the next month.

I don't know what we're going to do. This creditor can come in and garnish wages, but would they do that if it's all we have to live on?

I realize that you take care of us, and that you will take care of us. I want to be faithful, O God. I know it's not your will for us to worry or fret. I'm trying, dear God.

I know you operate on a completely different plane of understanding than we do. I know you're doing things that are beyond my capability for understanding.

God, please help me to be patient and diligent. I know that you want me to do what I need to do, and that you want to bless me. Please help me not to be stubborn at this time, but to quickly respond in the way you want me to so that you will bless me.

I think what I'm trying to say is that I don't want to do anything or not do anything that will hinder you from blessing me and our family.

Please, help, O God. I know you hear my prayer.

In Jesus' name,