Friday, May 18, 2007

Please alleviate vacation jitters

Dear God,

Good morning. I know that you know all about what's going on inside me, and yet it helps so much for me to pray to you. It's like the exercise of getting it all out is therapeutic.

This morning we leave for a week-long vacation. We'll be driving almost 1000 miles away from home to be with family we haven't seen in several years. We've made that long of a trip before, yet I'm finding myself feeling more worried about stuff this time than I had been those other times.

I don't know if it's just about money, but I do feel that's a big chunk of it. I just don't want us to be caught at the end of our trip trying to figure out how we're going to pay for stuff.

Maybe some other of it is knowing that some close friends were in a serious auto accident while traveling. If it could happen to them, then maybe it could happen to us.

Please help us all to be spiritual on this trip. I know in some ways our tendency might be to take a vacation from you. I don't think that's right, and I want to be better than that.

I look forward to meditating on you throughout the drive and beyond. I look forward to seeing family we haven't seen in years. I know that you will watch over us and protect us from harm, according to your will.

Lord God, I know you are a good God. I believe that you are out for our best interests. I just know that we cannot enjoy this vacation fully without you.

Please alleviate all my worries. Please help us to know our own limitations while we're driving. Please help us to have fun and recharge our "batteries" during this time.

I love you and thank you so much for being my God, my Savior, my Rock, my Lord.

In Jesus' name I pray,
