Thursday, January 16, 2020

What is this "new normal"?


I hate that we use words so much that they lose their original impact. They become trite, cliché.

"New normal" is one of those phrases that has me feeling this way right now.

I'm tired of thinking about it. Maybe it's that I'm resisting it. Maybe not.

I don't want to have CHF, God. I don't like feeling weaker. I don't like that I have people around me who are uncertain about how I am or what I can do.

I miss my wife seeing me as strong because I don't see her behaving like she did before when I was stronger. I'm probably projecting my own insecurities here. I realize that.

I don't like having to limit my fluids and my sodium. Yet I can see that there is benefit from doing that. I don't like feeling so "out of shape."

But I reflect on your promises:

* When I am weak, you are strong
* There's more going on than I can know
* It may take awhile, but you're not done working things in my life out for the good
* You didn't even spare your own Son! How will you not give me all that I need?
* Not by my strength, not by my might, but by your Spirit (which raised Jesus from the dead, btw)!!

I'm trading my sorrows starting now.
I'm trading my pain/shame
I'm laying it all down
And replacing it with joy
I have in you.

Love, your son,

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Uncertainty, Confession, Renewal, Strength

Lord of all creation,

This morning you've brought forth fog. It creates an eerie, ethereal atmosphere (literally) around us. Uncertainty about what is ahead.

I pray you keep everyone safe, especially those in vehicles traveling this morning.

I thank you for being eyes through all the storms. Though there may be uncertainty in my day, may I right now - yes - I reset you as LORD and Master over me.

Spirit, be my guide. You are the spirit of truth in me, the life of God in me, my Counselor, Comforter, Strength, and Guide. I choose to be filled with you and to walk in step with you in all things. Restore my union with the Father and the Son.

I renounce my sins and bring your blood, Jesus, over and into all my life today, to the borders of my kingdom and domain, everything and everywhere you have given me charge.

I crucify lust, pride, deceit, selfishness, greed, envy, rage, and any other thing in my life that has separated me from you.

I crucify those sins of omission, too: especially not reaching out to others to share about your work in my life. Today will be a day to "go tell it!"

Please help me be mindful of my physical health and its limits. I hate feeling weak, but I know you're helping me with all of that, too.

Lord Almighty, may my face reflect true joy I have in you as I'm reminded constantly of how my cup overflows!

I pray now and ask that you would levy the most intense, nuclear-level, spiritual beat-down upon your enemies today. May your forces be even more triumphant!

I love you and draw near to you now.

In Jesus' Name, Amen

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

I'm struggling with the losses I'm experiencing


I am struggling with the losses I'm experiencing, among them:

My recent health diagnosis and the changes it's forcing on me and

My job telling me they cannot keep me on at full pay though they value what I do

The enemy is already here, trying to make me feel like a failure, like there is no hope, to create even more anxiety. Agreements like

No one will hire you because you are too old

No one will hire you because you don't have the right experience

No one will hire you because they cannot afford you

No on will hire you because of your health.

LORD, here and now — I break these and any other agreements I have made with the enemy! They are null and void because of your blood on the Cross!

It's not what anyone else may say about me or my ability that matters. It's what YOU say!

In Jesus'Name Amen!

I am unprepared for the day ahead

Dear God

I come to you now unprepared for the day ahead. I do this every morning as I have done over the years. I acknowledge that I have no control over the direction of my days except for what you will give me.

I have sinned. I have willfully walked straight into it. I've been nasty. I've been deceitful. I've been selfish. I do not want this to be my story. I know it's not who I really am.

Lord Jesus, I bring your lordship back over all of my life right now.

I cannot go into this day without you.

Please forgive my sins. I renounce them.

Holy Spirit, I am so grateful for you being the life of God in me, the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. Fill me afresh, Holy Spirit. I want to walk in step with you today.

In Jesus' Name, Amen

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Please help my crushed spirit

Dear God,

I've had my spirit crushed, and it really hurts. Someone I love and care about deeply said something very hurtful to me in anger.

We were upset at each other. It started off over something petty, but something that has been bothering me for some time. I saw an opportunity to express my frustration that an expectation I have has not been met. I feel respected when this is ordinarily taken care of, and it seems so easy to do.

This blew up into something I didn't expect or want to. She said things, and I decided to move myself from the situation. Then she said the thing that took the wind out of me. Maybe she didn't mean for it to be hurtful, but it sure did.

She has since apologized, and I told her I want to forgive her, but I'm dealing with the hurt right now.

I will forgive. You've forgiven me for even worse, Lord.

Right now I want the hurt to go away. I know the enemy wants to use this as an opportunity for defeat. And I can feel the temptation to use this guilt she who hurt me against her.

He will not prevail. I am not defeated and you are much bigger than that, my commitment to you will not let this happen.

I pray for the other who witnessed all of this. She hates when this happens. Please comfort her soul, Lord.

Thank you, Lord, for loving me, for giving me so much!

And thank you for healing my broken spirit!

In Jesus' name,

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Prayer for one who has crossed over to the other side

Dear Heavenly Father,

This morning you welcomed home a brother in Christ. We all knew this day would eventually come, and it is indeed a bittersweet moment. We're glad he gets to live with you, but we miss him not being here.

I pray for those left behind that you would wrap your everlasting arms around them and provide them with comfort, for you are the God of all comfort.

I know there are numerous details that must be attended to, and I pray that you would give wisdom to those making decisions. I also know that as sinful people, we all need your help in times like this. Please help the family to do what it needs to do.

In addition, there will be many months of grieving. Lord, I pray that you will help the family grieve. I know this is natural. Help them to know that the pain they feel is real.

Lord, you are an awesome God! I look forward to the day I get to be in heaven with you. Thank you so much for your Son Jesus, who died and rose again.

Because of that, I have a relationship with you, and because of that, I have hope.

It's in His name I pray this.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Casting Off Anxiety

Dear Lord,

I come before you with anxiety in my heart. I know you know all things and that you rule over nature. You are the Sovereign Lord.

I am concerned about our personal financial situation. We don't have enough money to pay and get current on our bills. We get phone calls regularly from creditors, and we've come to dread the phone ringing.

We have a car that is very old and shows its age. Currently, the heater motor is not working as we need it. It's cold outside, and we've had to limit our travel because we have been unable to see out the windows.

Moreover, I am as usual concerned with my wife driving throughout the night, in inclement weather, in a car that has this situation.

As you know, I work 1+ hours from home, and the company has been on me about not getting to work by 8:30.


I know that I have sin in my heart. I confess my sin that I have been unfaithful and have not been zealous for you. I have not led my family passionately. I have been lazy. I have been impatient. I could go on and on.

Where could I go but to you, O God? Only you can take away the guilt of sin. I'm sorry for willful sin I've committed, and I'm sorry for unconscious sin.

Please make me as white as the snow and renew my mind and heart. Help me to be the man you need me to be. I know that I'm better than I think I am. I know that I can do more than I think I can. Help me to think BIG.

Thank you, Heavenly Father.

In Jesus' name,

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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Help my wife fall back in love with you

Dear God,

Thank you so much for giving me my wife. I have been so blessed during our marriage, and I truly love her.

I pray for her. You know that she feels cold toward you; she's admitted it herself. She knows that what she feels isn't right, yet she feels stuck in her heart. She is reluctant to change, to give her heart to you. It's as though her heart has become a heart of stone. You know it's been this way for quite some time.

I call out to you, O God, because you see things that are not as though they are. You see the woman of God that she can become. I beg you, O Lord, to change and transform her heart, so that she really desires and loves you, the way she did at first.

There is not much I can do to change her; I leave that to you. I do so miss her love for you as displayed in her daily walk. You know what I'm trying to say. Please change my wife's heart. Help her to fall back in love with you.

In your son Jesus' name I pray,

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