Thursday, January 16, 2020

What is this "new normal"?


I hate that we use words so much that they lose their original impact. They become trite, cliché.

"New normal" is one of those phrases that has me feeling this way right now.

I'm tired of thinking about it. Maybe it's that I'm resisting it. Maybe not.

I don't want to have CHF, God. I don't like feeling weaker. I don't like that I have people around me who are uncertain about how I am or what I can do.

I miss my wife seeing me as strong because I don't see her behaving like she did before when I was stronger. I'm probably projecting my own insecurities here. I realize that.

I don't like having to limit my fluids and my sodium. Yet I can see that there is benefit from doing that. I don't like feeling so "out of shape."

But I reflect on your promises:

* When I am weak, you are strong
* There's more going on than I can know
* It may take awhile, but you're not done working things in my life out for the good
* You didn't even spare your own Son! How will you not give me all that I need?
* Not by my strength, not by my might, but by your Spirit (which raised Jesus from the dead, btw)!!

I'm trading my sorrows starting now.
I'm trading my pain/shame
I'm laying it all down
And replacing it with joy
I have in you.

Love, your son,