Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Uncertainty, Confession, Renewal, Strength

Lord of all creation,

This morning you've brought forth fog. It creates an eerie, ethereal atmosphere (literally) around us. Uncertainty about what is ahead.

I pray you keep everyone safe, especially those in vehicles traveling this morning.

I thank you for being eyes through all the storms. Though there may be uncertainty in my day, may I right now - yes - I reset you as LORD and Master over me.

Spirit, be my guide. You are the spirit of truth in me, the life of God in me, my Counselor, Comforter, Strength, and Guide. I choose to be filled with you and to walk in step with you in all things. Restore my union with the Father and the Son.

I renounce my sins and bring your blood, Jesus, over and into all my life today, to the borders of my kingdom and domain, everything and everywhere you have given me charge.

I crucify lust, pride, deceit, selfishness, greed, envy, rage, and any other thing in my life that has separated me from you.

I crucify those sins of omission, too: especially not reaching out to others to share about your work in my life. Today will be a day to "go tell it!"

Please help me be mindful of my physical health and its limits. I hate feeling weak, but I know you're helping me with all of that, too.

Lord Almighty, may my face reflect true joy I have in you as I'm reminded constantly of how my cup overflows!

I pray now and ask that you would levy the most intense, nuclear-level, spiritual beat-down upon your enemies today. May your forces be even more triumphant!

I love you and draw near to you now.

In Jesus' Name, Amen