Tuesday, January 14, 2020

I am unprepared for the day ahead

Dear God

I come to you now unprepared for the day ahead. I do this every morning as I have done over the years. I acknowledge that I have no control over the direction of my days except for what you will give me.

I have sinned. I have willfully walked straight into it. I've been nasty. I've been deceitful. I've been selfish. I do not want this to be my story. I know it's not who I really am.

Lord Jesus, I bring your lordship back over all of my life right now.

I cannot go into this day without you.

Please forgive my sins. I renounce them.

Holy Spirit, I am so grateful for you being the life of God in me, the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. Fill me afresh, Holy Spirit. I want to walk in step with you today.

In Jesus' Name, Amen