Letters to God
Take a look within this blog to see some personal, albeit one-sided, communication between me and God.
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Wednesday, February 27, 2002
Tuesday, February 26, 2002
W - Who Else?
Who is like our almighty God,
so powerful and mighty?
Who else can know all things? -
into our hearts he sees.
Who else is like our Savior,
clothed with majesty?
When we were lost in all our sins,
and needed rescuing --
With power from on high he came,
to save both you and me.
Dear God,
Good morning! Thanks for the awesome night's rest. Though I still feel tired, I'm ready, with your help, to take on the day. I'm amazed at the things you do. I cannot see them all, nor am I always aware of those things that I can see. You are so powerful, God, and I pray that you'd show your power more and more in my life and in those around me. I can be faithless at times and forget who you are and forget how really close to me you are. Lord, I know that when I don't feel close to you, it's because I've moved.
Increase my desire for you, O God! I know in my mind that I need you just as I need air to breathe. Yet I often take my life in my own hands, somehow thinking that I have a better way. Please help me not to act so foolishly. I want to obey you with all my heart.
Renew my spirit and help me to have a broken, contrite heart. Help me to deny myself today during those times I want my needs met more than helping others. I know, God, that I need to take care of myselft before I can help others, of course, but I don't want to neglect the needs of those around me.
With your help I can scale a wall. You make me great, although I am just flesh and bone, dust of the earth. With you all things are possible. With your help I will live this out today.
Love, your son,
Monday, February 25, 2002
Dear God,
I am so glad you saved me by the blood of your son. Thank you for blessing me in so many ways. I am so excited to be worshipping you. I long to know you more deeply. I long for my heart to be changed into the image of your son. I am thankful for the ways you have been working in me so far. May I always be ready and willing to serve you with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength.
Grant me an obedient, humble heart, so that I may serve you better.
In Jesus' name,
Friday, February 22, 2002
V- Victoire
Violent men may oppose me,
but in you I have put my trust.
Voracious are their appetites,
their hearts consumed with lust.
Vile minds with false hopes,
what they pursue will rust.
Vain and conceited they live their lives
not knowing they will become dust.
Victory is yours, O God,
your actions are right and just.
U – Unforgettable: That's What We Are
Up above the sky you look at me,
my life is in your hands.
Unto you I lift up my soul,
I'm not hidden from your glance.
Undying is your love,
for me you know your plans.
Unchained - you've lavished on me your grace
and given me another chance.
Unhappy was I before I found you,
now I've learned to dance.
T – Turn Back
Turn back, O Man, for the time is near;
forswear thy foolish ways.
The world has nothing for you, sir
so do not seek its praise.
Tarry not to come to him,
He knows the number of your days.
There's truth to seek, so do be meek
and do what he says.
This way, come, if you desire
to save yourself from this maze.
S – Seek the Lord
Seek the Lord
while he may be found.
Search for him
when we’re down.
Stay close to him
and be safe and sound.
Switly he rescues
before we drown,
Sets our feet
on solid ground.
R - Ready to Run
Reading your word feeds my soul,
it causes me to think.
Rising up this morning,
I couldn't wait to take a drink.
Racing was my heart to meet you,
I couldn't sleep a wink.
Running through the fields,
you save me before I sink.
Renewed I go out to the world,
and am not one to shrink.
Q – Quench My Thirsty Soul
Quell my anxious thoughts, O God,
let me know you are nearby.
Quiet my troubled spirit,
for I am the apple of your eye.
Quash my stubborn pride
that I may not your will defy.
Quicken my lukewarm heart -
O Lord, hear my cry.
Quench my thirsty soul, O God;
only you can satisfy.
P – Pleasing Him
Pleasing you I'll have faith;
I make that my goal.
Prayer daily begins my journey
of giving you control.
Pardon my sin and forgive the guilt;
bring refreshment to my soul.
Paltry sacrifices mean nothing;
it's my contrite heart you hold.
Prayers of thanksgiving rise up to you
like the aroma of incense in a bowl.
O – Our Home
O, how I long for you to come home,
more than you even know.
Opportunities I give you to draw near,
my word shows you where to go.
Only stay on the narrow road,
the other one leads to woe.
Or if you refuse to repent,
then you will be brought low.
Open your eyes and have faith in me,
and I will bring you home.
N – Never been this way before
Never have I been this way before,
I wonder how I got here.
Not only me, but others, too,
who had the ears to hear.
No other way could be found,
only through God who came near.
Needful were we for our sins were many,
help came before our hearts were seared.
Now we live with the Master, our Savior,
away he has wiped every tear.
M – My Sin Killed Jesus
My Jesus died up on the cross,
and I'm the one to blame.
My Savior gave me reason to live,
but of him I've been ashamed.
My refusal to repent
has brought me much shame.
My God, I'm sorry for my sin,
it's your Son that I have maimed.
Make my heart new again,
that I may praise your name.
L – Because He is the LORD
Lord, all your deeds are marvelous,
most worthy are you of praise.
Let me dwell with you forever,
for I long to see your face.
Let all the earth cry out with joy
because of your AWESOME grace.
Lead me in righteousness and truth,
I want to follow your ways.
Lastly, may I never give up
so that I finish the race.
K – Killing Time
Keep me safe, O Lord,
for you are my shield.
Know the anxious thoughts in my heart,
to you they are revealed.
Killing sin with the word,
the mighty sword I wield.
Knead my heart in your hands,
until all the sin is killed.
Kneeling before your holy throne,
to your will I will yield.
J – Just As If I'd Never Sinned
Just as if I'd never sinned,
I have found a new scene.
Justified by your blood,
by your word I am clean.
Jesus' death tore down the wall,
so that nothing's in between.
Joy I have flowing over in my heart,
and a peace that is serene.
Jar of clay, I hold the treasure,
the harvest I will glean.
I – It’s Mine But You Can Have It
I am going to win;
there’s nothing that will stop me.
In fact it’s already happened;
he’s won the victory.
I can do all things
through him who strengthens me.
If I can do it, so can you –
hasn’t he set you free?
If I risk my life and die for him –
let that be my destiny.
H – His Sacrifice
How great it is to be called children of God!
And that is what we are!
Hearken to his voice, my people,
let not your hearts be hard.
Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord,
it's HIS body we've marred.
He came to take away every sin,
and give us a brand new start.
HE is the once-for-all sacrifice,
and he gave us a new heart.
G – Goodness
Great is your faithfulness to all generations,
your goodness has been shown to all.
Guilty I once was before I found you,
until the cross I saw.
Glad I am now that you are near;
you’ve torn down the wall.
‘Go make disciples of all nations’, you’ve ordered –
I will obey the call.
Guard me close to you, Almighty God,
for without you I will fall.
F – Forgiveness
Forgive, O Lord, the sin in my heart,
even though it is great.
Free me from its bondage,
and teach me to it hate.
Facing sin is no easy task,
but no longer can I wait.
For if I do I will succumb
to an awful fate.
Fast I put my sin to death,
before it is too late.
E – Eternal Life
Even before I was born,
your hands held my soul.
Ever will I follow you,
even when I get old.
Enter the gates of heaven I will,
to walk the streets of gold.
Equip me through your powerful word,
so that I may be more bold.
'Except a man be born again',
'tis written on the scroll.
D – Direction
Direct me in your ways, O God,
that I may know where to go.
Dead in sins once was I,
but now your word I know.
Deeds will accompany my faith,
so that my faith will show.
Do not shut my mouth for any reason,
for I want the world to know.
Death is dead because of you,
from whom all blessings flow.
C – Of Course He CAN!
Can a man truly understand the will of God?
He has revealed it through his word.
Can I stop worrying about how my needs will be met?
He provides food for every bird.
Can't I make myself clean?
No! Such a thought is absurd.
Can He lead me to the way everlasting?
He is the Good Shepherd.
Crying out to God is not in vain,
for he has heard every word.
Thursday, February 21, 2002
B – Because He Loved Us
Because I was lost in my sins,
you sent you one and only son.
By his death on the cross,
your church can become one.
Born again, how can I thank you, God,
for all that you have done?
But if I try to hide my sins,
still you see every one.
Better to live a life of openness as a disciple;
this life is second to none.
A – A Time To Encourage You
A long time ago I lived for myself,
but now I live for you.
Alone I once was with nowhere to turn,
until I looked to you.
Able are you to take care of me;
I am secure because of you.
All I have to do is call on your name,
and you listen because you love me.
And I will ever follow you,
for you have set me free.
Friday, February 15, 2002
Good morning, God!
It's great to be alive. Thank you for helping me to see my need for you and my need for others. I pray to be very focused while I'm at work, so that I can get a lot done. Help me to live above reproach, in order that I may glorify you today. You are awesome, you are holy. There's no one else like you.
May my heart be filled with gladness in you today.
Love, your son,
Thursday, February 14, 2002
Today has been rather well. I'm a bit frustrated right now with the folks I'm trying to give money to. I've been on hold for almost an hour. I think I need to find another way of getting their attention. You know what I'm talking about.
Good afternoon, God! I just wanted to write and say that I am grateful for you. You are so awesome in everything that you do. I want to grow closer to you. I know that there's nothing you can't do. Please help me to change and be more considerate of others, especially my wife and daughter.
Love, your son,